Monday, 29 August 2011

The 5 Main Problems With Resident Evil Afterlife: A Rant


So I was going to write an overall review of the Resident Evil film series. But recently I decided to dip my feet into the world of video reviews. So to start off, I decided to have a good old rant about one of my most passionate subjects, how film adaptations of videogames destroy the reputations and credibilities of their source material. None more so than the Resident Evil sequels. So I hope you enjoy this and don't get put off by my monotone babble :)

The 5 Main Problems With Resident Evil Afterlife: A Rant from Michael Ovenden on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. You've made some interesting points, and I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with you. Usually when I go to watch a film which is based on a videogame I try to think that of it as just similar in name and setting, and not as an actual adaption.

    This is how I think all adaptions of any video game should be really (like having a Portal film set in Aperture but having completely new characters).

    However, do remember that it's not just videogames that suffer from this. The 007 novels are a good example where the film adaptions have gone a bit pear-shaped and haven't stayed truly faithful from the source material.
